You might have read in the national press that a number of criminals in London have been jailed for their part in an international conspiracy to supply fake Viagra. It is apparently the largest ever investigation that the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency has undertaken into the sale and supply of counterfeit medications.
We are glad to see that our regulator is getting tough with these cowboys who are doing so much to damage the reputation of legitimate online healthcare providers. All UK websites which supply prescription medications are routinely scrutinised by the MHRA to make sure that we comply with all laws and supply genuine medication from registered pharmacies. We think that the time has come for the MHRA to start some sort of kite mark scheme whereby the legitimate websites are given some sort of endorsement by the regulator. This is the only way that consumers are going to be able to differentiate between genuine websites run by healthcare professionals and those running a counterfeit racket. We have provided some helpful tips on our Consumer Precautions page to enable members of the public make the right decision who to approach but a kite mark scheme would go that extra mile and would give consumers confidence about with who they are dealing.