HomeThe Online Clinic, UK

About The Online Clinic

Our Credentials

The Online Clinic is owned and operated by Online Clinic (UK) Limited, a company incorporated in the UK with registration number 05122959. Online Clinic (UK) Limited is licensed by the Care Quality Commission to provide an online healthcare service. Details of our license and the result of our most recent inspection can be found on this page and at the Care Quality Commission website. All of our doctors are registered with the General Medical Council.

Online Clinic (UK) Limited is registered to sell medications with the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency. Contact details of this statutory agency of the Department of Health can be found at the bottom of this page. You can also check the current status of our registration by clicking on the Common European Logo that can be found at the bottom of every page of the website. From 1 July 2015, all websites are required to be registered with the relevant statutory agency in their country of registration if they sell medications online and they must display the logo. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.

The Consultation Process

At The Online Clinic we understand that not everyone has the time or inclination to visit a doctor to discuss their healthcare needs - especially when it comes to potentially embarrassing problems. We have developed a convenient doctor/patient interface to bring you a service that allows you to have a medical consultation and order any medication that our doctors prescribe, all from the comfort of your own home.

Our website is secure, confidential and user friendly. Once you have registered you are free to discuss your condition with our doctors online.


Here is a list of the doctors working for The Online Clinic:

DoctorGMC Number
Dr Lizzie Kershaw-Yates (Clinical Lead)4733827
Dr Joyce Braaksma4621289
Dr Katie Craig6141480
Dr Jane Farndale4738602
Dr Loraine Haslam4524038
Dr Kathryn Hayman6103348
Dr Wajid Ibrahim7037665
Dr Gemma Jackson7083881
Dr Tabinda Jahan7300089
Dr Christina Kong6073337
Dr Louise Roscoe6102482
Dr Raya Slim4668002
Dr Emily Verrill7406761

The doctors at The Online Clinic are all registered in the United Kingdom and their registration can be checked on The Medical Register on the General Medical Council website.


All dispensing of medications is performed at the following registered pharmacy premises:

CloudRx Ltd
1 Hawthorn Park
Coal Road
West Yorkshire
LS14 1PQ

The pharmacy is registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council with the following registration number – 9011284.

The superintendent pharmacist is Daniel Lee GPhC (GPhC: 2039891).

These details can be checked on the General Pharmaceutical Council register.

Data Protection

If following a free consultation with The Online Clinic you decide not to proceed with a purchase of any medication, you can request that your details are deleted from our database. We will never pass your details to any third party in accordance with UK data protection legislation. We are registered under the Data Protection Act with number Z2333188. You can check our registration here - http://ico.org.uk/

We do our best to be as transparent as possible with regard to our accreditations but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

MHRA Contact Details

AddressMHRA 151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SZ
Telephone020 3080 6000
Fax020 3118 9803
CQC logo
Online Clinic - UK - Limited - Wingate Square
CQC overall rating

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