Treatment for STIs Prescribed Online
Good sexual health is important. Often sexually transmitted infections (STIs) do not present with symptoms, so it is only
by being tested that you can know whether or not you are carrying anything. Untreated infections can have
long term implications for your health - for example, Chlamydia frequently does not have symptoms but can
cause infertility. If you have tested positive for something but do not have access to treatment then we
can help. Just complete our short consultation questionnaire to begin.
Many people are often too embarrassed to get a sexual health screen or think they do not need one. However, for the majority of infections, testing can be done discreetly and at home, as all that is required is a urine sample or vaginal swab. Taking that small step can bring you peace of mind and ensure your - and your partner's - good sexual health.
Who needs to get tested?
There is a bit of a myth that STDs only happen to young people but that's just not true. You can catch an STI at any age, whether you are eighteen or eighty.
It is recommended that you get tested for common STIs every time that you change sexual partners if you are contemplating having unprotected sex. You cannot tell if someone has an STI or STD just from looking at them. The only way to be sure is to take a test.
Symptoms of STIs
Many STIs cause no symptoms. Chlamydia has been termed the “silent epidemic” because of its prevalence and its lack of obvious symptoms in a large number of cases. Around 70% of women and 50% of men have no symptoms when they are infected with Chlamydia. Gonorrhoea tends to cause symptoms in men (urethral discharge and pain when passing urine are common) but women often exhibit no symptoms. Around 5% of men will have no symptoms of a Gonorrhoea infection.
You can read more about the symptoms of some sexually transmitted infections on the dedicated pages of this website.
Getting Tested
The STI Clinic offers testing for the above infections by post. Testing can be done in the comfort of your own home - simply go to the website and request a testing kit for whatever you would like to be tested for. You will then receive a kit in the post and will be asked to send back a sample in the pre-paid envelope. Once the lab has received your sample, you can go online 24 hours later to see your results.
We know having a sexual health screen can be a difficult experience, so The STI Clinic aims to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible.
Getting Treated
Patients of The STI Clinic are entitled to free treatment through The Online Clinic if they test positive for anything.
If you have already tested positive for an infection with another clinic or by using a home testing kit, you can buy treatment for you or your partner on this website. All you need to do is complete a consultation form.
Once you have ordered your treatment, it will be couriered to you overnight and should be with you next day so long as your order is received before 3.30 pm Monday to Friday.
GMC registration number: 4524038

Date: 30 June 2024
Next review: 29 June 2026
All UK registered doctors can have their registration checked on
The Medical Register at the GMC website.
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