We have just seen some information on a product called Prelox which claims to solve erectile dysfunction in a completely natural way. The compound consists of Pycnogenol, an antioxidant derived from a certain time of maritime pine tree, and L-Arginine aspartate, an amino acid. The compound has been awarded a patent in the US for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and the research that we have read seems to suggest that this product has a high rate of success. The full study is to be published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
Prelox is a food supplement so it would be required to be taken on a regular basis rather than just as a one off when sex was desired as is the case with the conventional treatments for erectile dysfunction. According to the published information that we have seen, Prelox has a satisfaction rate of around 85% which is pretty amazing. What is not clear from the research is how bad the erectile function in each of the patients was to begin with. Further information can be found at Prelox