Libigel late stage trials proved disappointing when it did not meet its primary or secondary endpoints relating to an increase in satisfaction and desire in postmenopausal women. Shares in Biosante have fallen a massive 77%. The gel delivers testosterone into the bloodstream quickly and is applied once a day. Details of this efficacy trial were announced earlier and they showed that there was no material difference when comparing the gel with the active ingredient and the one with the placebo.
Two trials were carried out and in both trials those who were treated with Libigel experienced less distress during sexual activity and an increase in testosterone levels, however the improvements compared with the baseline were insignificant.
We think that it is highly unlikely that Libigel will be progressed any further. The best hopes of a medication that deals with Female Sexual Dysfunction and more specifically, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, probably lies in a medication that influences the brain directly as the brain is the body’s main sexual organ – everything is controlled from there!