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All together now: “I like big butts and I cannot lie…” The catchy masterwork of a slightly pervy rap artist, or the prophetic advice of a health guru 20 years before his time? Okay, probably the great Sir Mix-A-Lot was just a dirty sod, but he has been proved right about one thing – we should like b...
Jolly, kind, cuddly and nice to good children – what’s not to like about Santa, right? Well, apparently a better description would be obese, drunk, lazy and a dangerous drink driver, according to some rather Scrooge-like Australian researchers...
Researchers have warned that class is going to play an increasing role in determining which children become obese over the next five years, causing certain societal groups to be far worse hit by the problem...
Dutch scientists believe that waist size could be an accurate predictor of heart disease...
The president of the British Society of Gastroenterology has said that followers of fad diets are developing a ‘quasi-religious’ attitude towards the right foods to eat, despite their being little to no scientific evidence that they are beneficial...