Sayana Press
Sayana Press can be used as a contraceptive method.
To receive this medicine, you must visit your doctor who will initially prescribe it, give you your first dose, and demonstrate how to use it; only then can this medicine be supplied by The Online Clinic.
What is Sayana Press?
The contraceptive Sayana Press contains the active compound medroxyprogesterone acetate, which acts as a progesterone. This compound is similar to the body's natural progesterone, a hormone made by the ovaries during your menstrual cycle. Sayana Press prevents development and release of an egg from the ovaries, and stops it from be fertilised. This medication is used for long-term contraception.
How to buy Sayana Press online
First you will need to have been shown how to use Sayana Press by your doctor. After that, we can prescribe online. All you need to do is complete a short online questionnaire that will be reviewed by a doctor.
How to use Sayana Press
Sayana Press administration is started by a healthcare professional; after the first injection you may be allowed to self-administer the medicine at home. You will be trained to do this and given exact instructions on the injection procedure to follow. It is important to follow the instructions exactly or the medicine may not prevent pregnancy. You do not have to do the injections yourself and, if you do, you can change your mind at any time. It is also important to regularly see your doctor (or healthcare provider) for health checks and to discuss any problems.
Your first injection must be on one of the first 5 days of your usual menstrual cycle. When switching from other contraceptive methods, your doctor will appropriately time your first injection to avoid the risk of pregnancy. If you have just given birth or had a pregnancy terminated, the first injection must also be received within 5 days (note you may get heavy, prolonged bleeding). If breast-feeding, then your first injection must be 6 weeks after giving birth.
The injection (104 mg) is given under the skin (subcutaneously) into the abdomen or front of the upper thigh. A dose is injected every 12-13 weeks, regardless of menstrual bleeding, and must be received at this time or you may become pregnant. Unless you wish to become pregnant or change contraceptive, your doctor will advise about when to stop.
If you miss a Sayana Press injection or go over 14 weeks between your injections, there is a risk of pregnancy. Contact your doctor about when to have your next injection and temporary alternative contraception. Once the effect of the Sayana Press wears off, your fertility will return to normal for you; pregnancy is possible as soon as one month and usually within one year after stopping.
Who can use Sayana Press?
Your suitability to use Sayana Press will be assessed by your doctor. You will not be able to use it if you have an allergy to medroxyprogesterone acetate or any of the injection's other ingredients; you are pregnant, or have unexplained bleeding of the vagina, or breast cancer or cancer of the sex organs; have had or have problems with your blood circulation (i.e., venous blood clot in your leg, lung or elsewhere, or blood that easily clots, or a disease affecting your brain's blood vessels); have liver disease; or have thin bones.
Some conditions may get worse if you use Sayana Press, so ensure you inform your doctor about all your present and past medical conditions, particularly: migraine; heart disease, a stroke, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol levels; inconsistent menstrual periods; any breast problems (e.g., abnormal X-ray, lumps, fibrocystic disease, and nipple bleeding); diabetes or kidney disease; depression or asthma or epilepsy; or if other family members have had or have breast cancer or diabetes.
You should be aware that taking hormonal contraceptives may put you at increased risk of blood clots, stroke, thin bones, a change in your menstrual bleeding pattern, liver problems, and cancer of the ovary, womb, cervix, or liver. You can ask your doctor to discuss these risks with you.
Some other medicines such as anticoagulants can interact with Sayana Press, meaning that Sayana Press or the other medicines may not work as expected. Therefore, you must inform 1) your doctor before you use Sayana Press about your current and recent medicines that you obtain both with and without a prescription; and 2) other doctors giving you medicines that you use the contraceptive Sayana Press.
Sayana Press side effects
Sayana Press can cause an allergic reaction (look out for problems breathing, swelling of facial features and throat, and skin rash/ hives), blood clots in the lungs, legs or eyes (look out for symptoms such as sudden cough or breathlessness, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, pain in the chest/abdomen/leg/eye, swelling, and changes in vision), and stroke.
Women commonly report nausea, abdominal pain/cramps, weight increase, changes in their menstrual bleeding pattern, loss of libido, vaginal itching, abnormal cervical smears, tender/painful breasts, headaches, dizziness, acne, mood swings, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and injection site reactions.
Uncommon symptoms include feeling bloated, fluid retention, premenstrual syndrome, hot flushes, vaginal discharge/dryness/pain during sexual intercourse, pelvic pain, breast size change, milk discharge (when not breast feeding), ovarian cyst, weak thin bones, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, decreased glucose tolerance, changes in appetite, abnormal hairiness, hair loss, joint pain, and facial discoloration.
Rarely, breast cancer, abnormal findings of liver function tests, and fever are reported, while osteoporotic fractures, abnormal liver function. Seizures, and stretch marks are known to have occurred.
GMC registration number: 4524038

Date: 4 October 2023
Next review: 3 October 2025
All UK registered doctors can have their registration checked on
The Medical Register at the GMC website.
Information Leaflet
Source and further information
Sayana Press Reviews By Our Patients
It's easy to use but can have side effects