Wegovy from £139.95

Buy Wegovy

What is Wegovy?

Wegovy is a weight loss medication administered by way of a weekly injection.

Can I buy Wegovy online?

The Online Clinic is able to prescribe Wegovy, but this product remains in short supply. Please complete a consultation to proceed.

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What is Wegovy?

Wegovy contains a medication called Semaglutide. This is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone on the gut-brain axis known as an incretin. The particular incretin that Semaglutide is replicating is Glucagon Like Peptide (GLP-1).

How does Wegovy work?

The hormone that Wegovy is imitating is released when we eat to regulate blood sugars. Wegovy therefore works by making people feel fuller after eating. By eating smaller portions and feeling fuller for longer periods of time, patients lose weight. It is essential that those prescribed Wegovy ensure that they are eating a healthy diet. Foods high in sugars and sugary drinks should be eliminated.

Is Wegovy effective?

Based on clinical trial data, Wegovy is highly effective. Patients with a BMI of over 30 lost an average of 15% of their body weight over 2 years. This compared with just a 2.4% loss in the placebo control group. Both groups in the clinical trials received support for better lifestyle choices. 69% lost more than 10% body weight compared with 12% of those in the placebo control group achieving the same weight loss.

How to take Wegovy

Wegovy is administered as a subcutaneous injection (just under the skin) via an easy-to-use pre-filled pen once a week. The dose must be titrated, and we will provide specific advice on exactly how to take the medication as part of your prescription.

Are there side effects?

All medications have the potential to cause unwanted side effects. The most common side effects with Wegovy were:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea

It is important to follow the steady dosage increases recommended over several weeks to reduce the likelihood of side effects.

All side effects should be reported to the prescribing clinic. This medication is listed as a "Black Triangle" medicine in the UK, which mean all side effects reported by the prescribing clinic are monitored by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency.


Summary of Product Characteristics

Wegovy patient information

Semaglutide clinical trial for weight loss

Reviewed by: Dr Loraine Haslam MBBS, DRCOG, DFSRH, LoC SDI, LoC IUT, MRCGP
GMC registration number: 4524038
Date: 23 January 2024
Next review: 22 January 2026
All UK registered doctors can have their registration checked on
The Medical Register at the GMC website.

Information Leaflet

Source and further information

Wegovy Reviews By Our Patients

  • Overall Rating
    Based on 4 reviews
  • ★★★★★
    working, need to reorder next stregth
    L. P. - 15/09/24
  • ★★★★★
    This product is very easy to use i have been very lucky not had any side effects maybe a little nausea. I have taken my 3rd dose today 18th May and i have lost 10lbs. I use this in conjunction with slimming world diet. So 3 balanced meals per day. I feel the need to drink lots of water. I did get a bit bloated and diahorea for first day last week. However it was all good.
    E. M. - 18/05/24
  • ★★★☆☆
    Has not worked
    E. B. - 13/04/24
  • ★★★★★
    I lost 5 lbs on Wegovy but nothing on Mounjaro. Will try my 7.5mg and see what happens. Can I change back if I dont lose any weight on Mounjaro??
    J. A. - 02/06/24

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